Monday, September 27, 2010

Under The Tuscan Rain

It's been raining off and on since I got here, with enough breaks in the weather to walk around and explore quite a bit. It's pouring now, so I've holed up in the net cafe until it passes, but decided to check the weather on line for the rest of the week. It should be nice tomorrow and until Thursday, but the forecast for Cinque Terre on Friday is, believe it or not, Tempest.

That can't be good.

I'm really enjoying Siena. The hotel is really nice, and they bring me breakfast in my room. It's a very short walk to Il Campo. The net cafe is on the way, as is a laundry and 2 really good tratorrias.

Yesterday, I discovered Panforte. For those of you who have been here, well, you know. For the others, it tastes like heaven, costs the earth, and will make my ass look like the moon. Only bigger. It looks like a dense cake with nuts, but it's actually a fruit cake. Oh, nom nom nom! Of course it comes in chocolate!

It's hard to find tea with honey and lemon here, so I went out last night looking for some comfort food for my cold. I found Ribollita - thanks Deb! It was so thick, I could hardly get the spoon in it, and so filling that I couldn't finish it, and didn't bother having anything else for supper. I think it might be on the menu tonight. I have to learn how to make this. I found a Tuscan cook book but they didn't have an english version, but judging from the french, it's not too hard to make. There was a ridiculous amount of bread, and the server said that the greens in there are black cauliflower ??? If anyone has a recipe, please fire it my way!

Oh crap - am getting hungry again!

The fountain in Il Campo usually has a huge crowd around it. I passed it early this morning on my way to the Duomo before anyone was out.

The Duomo is pretty impressive, but I must say that the one in Orvieto is much more so, in my opinion.

The interior is massive and ornate, but I think I'm getting a bit jaded. After Rome and all the other towns, I need to take a rest from impressive stuff for a while. Maybe it's sensory overload, but after a point, you just can't appreciate it. I think I'll just wander around, and save myself for Florence.

But first, one last picture. This one's for you, Paul...

I'm off to San Gimignano tomorrow. There are tours that run for 60 euros, but I picked up bus tickets for 11 euros, so I won't be tied to a tour. The weather should be nice, and since so many have told me I HAVE to go, I'm looking forward to it a lot.

Thanks to those keeping in touch!

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